NBA Live 14 E3 2013 Demo Video
Description: Watch executive producer Sean O'Brien and the cover athlete of the game Kyrie Irving on-stage as they introduce the new feature of NBA Live 14 called "BounceTek" system which makes ball handling in the game more realistic.
New features of the game taken from the official website of EA Sports' NBA Live:
• Live Worlds
With fresh content and challenges on a daily basis, NBA LIVE 14 delivers a new experience each and every time you pick up the controller.
• CourtQ
CourtQ is the brain of NBA LIVE 14. More than 70 unique statistics and tendencies power every single player on the court, utilizing the same data used by all 30 NBA teams. Players evolve and so does CourtQ, downloading updates from every NBA game.
• BounceTek
Unlock the full potential of the dribble with all-new physics-based bounceTEK technology. Whether it’s Ricky Rubio’s wrap around or Kyrie Irving’s devastating hesitation dribble, NBA LIVE 14 puts the control back in your hands.
NBA LIVE 14 will be available for the next generation consoles (Xbox One and PlayStation 4) this coming fall.