NBA 2K12 Half Time Report on ESPN
NBA 2K12 Half Time Report on ESPN Transition Mod
1. Extract the file.
2. Copy wipe_halftime.iff
3. Paste it in your NBA 2K12 main folder
(Overwrite the original file / Don't forget to backup)

NBA 2K12 Half Time Report on ESPNNBA 2K12 Half Time Report on ESPN

NBA 2K12 Half Time Report on ESPNNBA 2K12 Half Time Report on ESPN

NBA 2K12 Half Time Report on ESPNNBA 2K12 Half Time Report on ESPN

by Jarron: I just finished making this new Half time Report Transition for NBA 2K12! 
This looks very beautiful. Don't forget to leave a feedback below.

NBA 2K12 Half Time Report on ESPN Transition

