NBA 2K12 Orlando Magic Jersey Patch
NBA 2K12 Orlando Magic Jersey Patch with Hardwood Classic & Crowd Fixed

NBA 2K12 Orlando Magic Jersey PatchNBA 2K12 Orlando Magic Jersey Patch

NBA 2K12 Orlando Magic Jersey PatchNBA 2K12 Orlando Magic Jersey Patch

NBA 2K12 Orlando Magic Jersey Patch

NBA 2K12 Orlando Magic Jersey Patch
File size: 9 MB
Author: Tha King

If the jersey looks dark don't use shadow mod, use a court that hasn't shadow mod. This jersey is best to use without shadow mod. You can unlock all the uniforms by using this settings - "Unlock All Settings"

Orlando Magic Cyber face Pack

Credits to joejames for latin nights warmups, aar for harwood classic warmups & tneck for crowd enhanced
